Calming Chamomile Pillow Mist

Product description

100% natural pillow mist containing silk peptides (benu blanc patented technology)

Mister: 50 ml

Duration of use: approximately 2 months (350 sprays)

Chamomile essential oil

Chamomile is potent and has a lovely yellow floral scent.

Skin care: It is the favorite essential oil for sensitive skin. It calms irritations and skin reactions.

Hair care : Chamomile and ylang-ylang bring care and protection to the hair.

Well-being care: A real catalyst for letting go, the scent of our pure and natural essential oils will provide a calm atmosphere for a good night's sleep. Sweet orange will soothe your body for the whole night.

Application Tips

A few minutes before bedtime, spray 4 to 5 clouds of our care mists on your pillowcase.

To renew each evening.

For optimal use, spray on a Benu Blanc silk pillowcase. When spraying the mist on the pillowcase, fibroin and sericin, natural components of the silk cocoon, are brought back into contact. They recognize each other and unite again, in a virtuous alliance that fills the skin and the hair with benefits.

Recreate the silk cocoon

The sericin contained in the Benu Blanc mists acts like a molecular cocoon that protects the aromatherapeutic molecules and gradually releases their scents. Microencapsulation prolongs the effects of pure and natural essential oils for 6 to 9 hours after the spray (Benu Blanc invention patent).

Beauty and well-being pillow mist Inner peace & regulation

Camomille Amande soie perles huiles essentielles odeur bébé brume d’oreiller brume de soins made in France soie brillance cheveux hydratation soin peau visage cheveux acné beauté holistique peaux sensibles peau atopique lâcher-prise relaxation cosmétique naturelle spirituelle aromathérapie aromachologie mieux dormir endormissement cadeau noël femme homme fête des mères tissage taie oreiller soie France Benu Blanc Teint pellicules sommeil


Calms sensitive skin

Camomille Amande soie perles huiles essentielles odeur bébé brume d’oreiller brume de soins made in France soie brillance cheveux hydratation soin peau visage cheveux acné beauté holistique peaux sensibles peau atopique lâcher-prise relaxation cosmétique naturelle spirituelle aromathérapie aromachologie mieux dormir endormissement cadeau noël femme homme fête des mères tissage taie oreiller soie France Benu Blanc Teint pellicules sommeil


Protection of damaged hair

Camomille Amande soie perles huiles essentielles odeur bébé brume d’oreiller brume de soins made in France soie brillance cheveux hydratation soin peau visage cheveux acné beauté holistique peaux sensibles peau atopique lâcher-prise relaxation cosmétique naturelle spirituelle aromathérapie aromachologie mieux dormir endormissement cadeau noël femme homme fête des mères tissage taie oreiller soie France Benu Blanc Teint pellicules sommeil


Inner peace

Calming Chamomile, immediate relaxation

This fragrance evokes the softness of baby care. It allows relaxation and immediate release. Roman Chamomile is sedative and calming. It also takes care of sensitive skin and hair. The Almond brings a reassuring note and completes the care of the skin. Ylang Ylang and Sweet Orange complete the soothing effect. Find the child in you...

Skin care : Roman Chamomile is the star EO for sensitive skin. It calms irritated, sensitized and reactive skins.

Hair care : The combination of Roman Chamomile and Ylang Ylang brings care and protection to dry or damaged hair.

Well-being care : True catalysts of the release-prise, the Roman Chamomile and the Sweet Orange will offer you calm and immediate appeasement.

A 100% natural composition based on aromatherapy

Organic alcohol, pure water, silk peptides, essential oils: Roman chamomile, bitter almond, bergamot without bergapten, sweet orange, sour orange, ylang ylang, Virginia cedar, Indonesian sandalwood.

Customer Reviews

Based on 21 reviews
Corinne De Luca
Très agréable

Odeur délicieuse

Aurélia Polski
Très bon produit

Parfum gourmand tout en étant subtil. Je recommande


J'adore cette brume qui sent divinement bon .
Je recommande.

Douce odeur apaisante

L odeur est bien diffusée, très agréable elle est douce et apaisante. J ai envie de la porter en parfum sur mes vêtements….

Brume d'oreiller camomille

Parfum très doux et agréable apportant un côté apaisant.
Par contre, je doute de l'efficacité pour un bon sommeil profond (que je n'ai toujours pas trouvé après quelques nuits d'utilisation)


Description of our essential relaxation product

Our iconic sleep product, Benu Blanc Pillow Mist Spray, will put you in a relaxing mood. This product offers you moments of care for your body and facilitates your sleep. Visit our Benu Blanc sales shop to discover the different scents of our products. Really take care of your "beauty"!

Our products contain pure and natural essential oils with many virtues for your body. Spraying a spray of our mist releases the floral scent of its essential oils. Your body and mind will be instantly relaxed with the scent of our product.

For a more detailed description of our pure and natural essential oils and more information on aromatherapy, come and discover the blog tab of our shopping store!


The "capable of everything" essential oil

Discover more information and beauty secrets about Roman chamomile. It is a herbaceous plant with a particularly sophisticated flower at its heart. Known since Antiquity and used in particular to embalm the Pharaoh Ramses II, it has been cultivated in Europe since the 16th century.

It is now one of the best-selling plants on the planet for its highly sought-after properties and its exceptional and uplifting fragrance. The Germans devote a real cult to it and call it the plant "capable of everything".

Its essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of the flowers. You will find its fragrance, with a refreshing and slightly fruity smell, in our Benu Blanc care and beauty products. Distillation with water also makes it possible to obtain floral water, with lighter scents.